
Downtown Jenks Incentives​
The City of Jenks has launched a series of incentives specific to Downtown Jenks.​
Click the links below for more information each incentive package:
Business Improvement Grant (may be used for facades, signage and landscape/public space improvement​
Development Project Assistance(may be available to a developer proposing to develop on vacant property within Jenks Downtown Core or significantly renovate or rehabilitate an existing structure)
Downtown Economic Development Incentive Policy - https://www.jenks.com/DocumentCenter/View/1373/JENKS-Economic-Development-Incentive-Application
Tax Increment Finance Districts (TIFs)
The City of Jenks and the other local taxing entities have partnered to create several Tax Increment Finance Districts to assist in developing key areas of Jenks.
Click here for more information about the TIF districts.​

State Incentive Programs​
The State of Oklahoma has several incentive programs for businesses. Explore the links below for more information.