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Elevate Jenks is a program of the Jenks Chamber of Commerce. It is the only entity dedicated to economic growth, success and development in Jenks.

Our economic development efforts are a partnership between the Chamber and our membership, and the City of Jenks.

Our Action Plan was created in partnership with Community Growth Strategies and its consultant/founder Jim Fram, who has more than 34 years of economic development experience. With Fram, we held multiple forums, one-on-one meetings and focus groups to highlight areas of focus for Elevate Jenks.

Our areas of focus, as laid out in the plan are:

  • Build a strong sense of identity in Jenks as a magnet for talent in the Tulsa region

  • Create an actionable marketing strategy for growing Jenks' economy

  • Identify areas prime for additional development

  • Provide a regulatory environment and infrastructure that supports growth in Jenks

  • Encourage further development of bike lanes and trails

  • Improve Highway 75/Main Street interchange

  • Pursue completion of river-related infrastructure initiatives including the low water dam and the 131 St. bridge project.

Interested in Jenks?

Contact us at 918-299-5005 or fill out the form below!

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